Wednesday 27 February 2013

Reality Check!

I'm sorry if things are a little quiet on here at the moment (and I feel like i'm saying that a lot lately, since i'm going through such a transition period at the moment) but this week is my first week of uni and boy has it been straining!

Now, I consider myself an intelligent person, and an enthusiastic and fast learner, but right now I am facing a major reality check - university is hard work! Especially after having a year off from study where the only work you did was teaching in child care centres where the furthest you strained your brain was to come up with another nursery rhyme to entertain the children! (There are only so many times you can listen to yourself sing "if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands" without wanting to rip out your own larynx, you know.)

Don't get me wrong, I knew this wasn't going to be easy, and I love it for challenging me this way, but I am coming home from Uni every day absolutely exhausted and feeling headache-y from information overload!I'm sure I'll get used to it in time, and adjust to this style of learning, but for now I need a little lenience on the blog front to get through the transition phase, and hopefully get to a point where I am no longer to exhausted to think when I get home. I will try to post as much as I can, but while I'm adjusting to a new schedule and new lifestyle, I would appreciate a little lenience :)

And hey, you never know, but this new lifestyle and  new learning endeavour may open up a whole host of new ideas for me to explore on the blog in the future! Already I can see myself becoming more engaged in the world around me, and especially in the media and films, thanks to my Journalism and Screen Analysis classes. Yay for new ways of thinking! Even if they are mostly about the fashion in the old films I'm watching! Shh, don't tell my lecturer!

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